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Create a dialog for editing the properties of the given hyperdrive.

  • url String. The URL of the drive to view.
  • Returns Promise<Void>

Create a dialog for selecting files or folders.

  • opts Object
    • title String. The title of the selection dialog.
    • buttonLabel String. The label on the "OK" button.
    • drive String. The initial drive to explore.
    • defaultPath String. The initial path to explore.
    • select Array<String>. What kind of entries to accept. Must contain 'file', 'folder', 'mount'.
    • filters Object
      • extensions Array<String>. The extensions of the files to accept.
      • writable Boolean. If true, only accept writable files. If false, only accept unwritable files.
    • allowMultiple Boolean. If true, allow multiple files to be selected.
    • disallowCreate Boolean. If true, require the selected file to exist.
  • Returns Promise<Array<Object>>
    • path String. The path of the selected file or folder.
    • origin String. The URL of the hyperdrive that contains the file or folder.
    • url String. The URL of the file or folder.
var files = await{
title: 'Select an Image',
buttonLabel: 'Select Image',
select: ['file'],
filters: {
extensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']
allowMultiple: true,
disallowCreate: true
files[0].path // => '/imgs/foo.png'
files[0].origin // => 'hyper://1234..56/'
files[0].url // => 'hyper://1234..56/imgs/foo.png'[opts])

Create a dialog for selecting where to save a file.

  • opts Object
    • title String. The title of the selection dialog.
    • buttonLabel String. The label on the "OK" button.
    • drive String. The initial drive to explore.
    • defaultPath String. The initial path to explore.
    • defaultFilename String. The suggested default filename.
    • extension String. The extension of the saved file.
    • filters Object
      • extensions Array<String>. The extensions of the files to accept.
      • writable Boolean. If true, only accept writable files. If false, only accept unwritable files.
  • Returns Promise<Array<Object>>
    • path String. The path of the selected file or folder.
    • origin String. The URL of the hyperdrive that contains the file or folder.
    • url String. The URL of the file or folder.
var file = await{
title: 'Save Image To...',
buttonLabel: 'Save Image',
defaultFilename: 'image.png',
extension: 'png'
file.path // => '/imgs/foo.png'
file.origin // => 'hyper://1234..56/'
file.url // => 'hyper://1234..56/imgs/foo.png'[opts])

Create a dialog for selecting a hyperdrive from the user's library.

  • opts Object
    • title String. The title of the selection dialog.
    • buttonLabel String. The label on the "OK" button.
    • writable Boolean. If true, only accept writable drives. If false, only accept unwritable drives.
    • allowMultiple Boolean. If true, allow multiple drives to be selected.
    • tag String. Filters the drives to items that include the given tag.
    • template String. The URL of a hyperdrive which will be used as the template for a new drive if the user chooses "new drive."
  • Returns Promise<String|Array<String>>

If a .template is specified, .writable is not false, and no drives in the user's library matches the filtering criteria, the modal will automatically jump to the "create drive" flow.

var driveUrl = await{
title: 'Select Your Profile',
buttonLabel: 'Select Profile',
writable: true,
tag: 'contact',
template: 'hyper://'
})[, opts])

Create a dialog for saving a hyperdrive to the user's library.

  • url String. The URL of the hyperdrive to save.
  • opts Object
    • tags String. A space-separated list of tags to suggest saving the hyperdrive under.
var driveUrl = await, {tags: 'website fun'})[opts])

List saved drives according to a filter. Requires user to grant permission.

  • opts Object
    • tag String. Only list drives saved with the given tag.
    • writable Boolean. Only list drives which are or aren't writable.
var contacts = await{writable: false, tag: 'contact'}), tags)

Ask the user to add tags to the given hyperdrive. If the drive isn't already saved, will trigger the "save drive" dialog.

  • url String. The URL of the hyperdrive to save.
  • tags String. A space-separated list of tags to assign the drive.
var driveUrl = await, 'website fun')

Remove a hyperdrive from the user's library. Requires user to grant permission.

  • url String. The URL of the hyperdrive to unsave.